Lending your voice to a global chorus on

World Restart a Heart Day

We invite you to join Heart & Stroke and our global partners in the fifth annual World Restart a Heart (WRAH) Day on October 16, 2022.

Launched by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR), this global campaign aims to increase public awareness on cardiac arrest and the importance of learning CPR and how to use an AED. It originated as European Restart a Heart Day, launched in 2013 by the European Resuscitation Council (an ILCOR member).

While the campaign’s name has changed, the goal remains the same: to encourage more people to learn CPR and to inspire them to take action if they witness a cardiac arrest, which will ultimately save more lives.

In Canada, our goal is to highlight the signs of cardiac arrest, the need for immediate intervention, basic CPR and AED skills, and to address bystanders’ fears to encourage them to take action to save a life.

We are leveraging our partnerships to get the word out about World Restart a Heart, and one of our most important partnerships is with our instructor network – you.

Lend your voice to social media

We hope that you can lend your voice to ours and the international community on social media, or whatever way you choose to support public awareness.

You can share our posts and videos with family, friends and colleagues using the hashtag, #WorldRestartAHeart. You can also use any of the sample posts below, or create your own.

You can also download and share the new activity sheet from HeartSmart Kids at Home with your children, nieces or nephews, neighbours, etc. Last year’s activity sheet explained CPR; this year’s focuses on AEDs.