Becoming a non-smoker was something Sharon Marson never thought she’d accomplish in her lifetime. Having smoked for close to 50 years, her longstanding addiction to nicotine was starting to produce concerning health effects. When asked how many cigarettes she was smoking per day her first thought was a half pack. After counting when and where she smoked, she quickly realized her actual consumption was more like an entire pack! Once she experienced several bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia, Marson’s doctor suggested that it’s never too late to quit.  This suggestion planted a seed that pursuing smoking cessation was not only possible but helpful towards improving her overall health. While registering for an unrelated appointment at her local hospital in the spring of 2022, she was asked if she would like to participate in the Vitalité smoking cessation program and she accepted.

By December 2022, she had reduced her smoking to 18 cigarettes a day and felt ready to begin the cessation program. She then began taking Champix regularly plus nicotine replacement therapy whenever she felt she needed them. Initially she felt doubtful during early sessions, that the program may not be right for her. Working with health professionals who had not smoked themselves made her wonder if they understood how truly challenging quitting was. Despite these worries, after receiving counselling from Vitalité’s cessation specialists, Sharon felt supported and understood. This newfound revelation along with addiction counselling from cessation specialists at Vitalité, provided the motivation for Sharon to further decrease the number of cigarettes she smoked per day.

Vitalité Strategies for Success

Whenever Sharon shared challenges she was experiencing like visiting family members who still smoked, Vitalité specialists were there with helpful advice that addressed these concerns. These interventions made Sharon feel supported and helped her address challenges as she continued her quit journey. By summer 2023, Sharon was down to smoking just two cigarettes per day. Having been introduced to the idea of a quit date, she wondered when she would abstain from her morning ritual of just two cigarettes. She started struggling with the concept of her very last cigarette.

On August 23, 2023, Sharon decided she would not smoke that morning, and that afternoon she did the same, encouraged by this, she abstained that evening too. Turns out, that was indeed her first day without a cigarette which became her official quit date. Sharon is now proud to be a non-smoker with a deep sense of accomplishment as she never really believed this was something she could successfully do on her own.

Sharon’s Advice for Quitting

  • Commit yourself to the program– In her 30’s Sharon made an unsuccessful quit attempt that ultimately didn’t work because she was only half-heartedly participating.
  • Trust the process– Sharon adds that, “This program has value and these specialists fully understand addiction and how difficult quitting can be. This program was instrumental in my successful quit journey.”

Sharon is grateful to the Vitalité Cessation Clinic for their strategies and support that made all the difference in her successful quit story. From managing cravings, to providing positive reinforcement, to allowing her space to talk through her feelings, Sharon adds, “They were amazing listeners.”

On quitting Sharon wants readers to know that, “If I can, anyone can!”

Photos and story used with permission.

Published in May 2024.

Written by Kristin Farnam, Manager, Smoke and Vape Free NB.