Smoking, Vaping and Tobacco – Health Canada
Learn about vaping, tobacco products, effects of smoking, second-hand smoke, prevention and quitting. Website
Learn about vaping, tobacco products, effects of smoking, second-hand smoke, prevention and quitting. Website
Live Well | Bien Vivre (LW|BV) is a Health Coaching program residing with Heart and Stroke Foundation New Brunswick and funded by the Government [...]
Every expectant mother wishes for a healthy baby. Unfortunately, many of those expectant mothers may smoke. Whether active or passive smoking, it as a [...]
Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do to improve your health and protect the health of your baby. And you [...]
The Wellness Movement’s regional webpages make it easy to connect with your local Wellness Networks, and stay informed about wellness initiatives happening near you. [...]
The Wellness Movement is a collective, ongoing effort in New Brunswick to inspire and support the creation of wellness-supporting environments, including tobacco-free and smoke-free [...]
Every woman has her own reasons for smoking. Every woman can find her own way of quitting and staying smoke-free for life. [...]
Despite concerted efforts by researchers and health care professionals, maternal smoking during pregnancy remains a serious public health problem. Approximately 20% - 30% of pregnant [...]
The Prevention of Gestational and Neonatal Exposure to Tobacco Smoke (PREGNETS) is a network created to improve the health of moms and their babies. [...]
Healthy Families, Healthy Babies program offers prenatal services that foster healthy pregnancy, and postnatal services that promote the healthy development of children from birth to [...]