Study: Tobacco Use and Food Insecurity in New Brunswick
The aim of this study is to determine the nature of the relationship between smoking, food insecurity, and health outcomes. More Information [...]
The aim of this study is to determine the nature of the relationship between smoking, food insecurity, and health outcomes. More Information [...]
Clinical practice guidelines emphasize that clinicians and healthcare delivery systems should consistently identify and treat all tobacco users using available counselling treatments and medications. [...]
Learn about vaping, tobacco products, effects of smoking, second-hand smoke, prevention and quitting. Website
Live Well | Bien Vivre (LW|BV) is a Health Coaching program residing with Heart and Stroke Foundation New Brunswick and funded by the Government [...]
A tip card about tobacco-free living, one of the focus areas of The Wellness Movement. PDF
NB Food for All provides leadership in the advancement of food security in New Brunswick through networking, knowledge and information sharing, public relations, and [...]
The Wellness Movement’s regional webpages make it easy to connect with your local Wellness Networks, and stay informed about wellness initiatives happening near you. [...]
The Wellness Movement is a collective, ongoing effort in New Brunswick to inspire and support the creation of wellness-supporting environments, including tobacco-free and smoke-free [...]
New Brunswickers accessing care at facilities in Horizon Health Network will be offered smoking cessation support from a healthcare provider during their visit. [...]
The Smoking Cessation Clinic provides individual consultations to those who want to stop smoking or vaping. Overcome nicotine dependance Quit smoking Quit vaping If [...]