15th Annual Ottawa Conference
Registration is now open! Join us for our 15th Annual Ottawa Conference! This year, the conference will be returning in-person to the Shaw Centre, [...]
Registration is now open! Join us for our 15th Annual Ottawa Conference! This year, the conference will be returning in-person to the Shaw Centre, [...]
June 3, 2021 8:30 am to 3:30 pm FREE • OFFERED IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH VIRTUAL EVENT VIA THE ZOOM PLATFORM Vitalité Health Network [...]
The prevalence of smoking among Indigenous peoples is approximately 2 to 5 times higher than among non-Indigenous Canadians1. In New Brunswick, almost twice as many Indigenous youth [...]
Across Canada, provinces are enhancing pharmacists’ scopes of practice to include prescribing smoking cessation medications, offering reimbursement for professional services and even providing free [...]
This course addresses the special considerations that need to be taken into account when providing smoking cessation assistance to pre- and postnatal women and [...]
Nurses and other health professionals who smoke may feel conflicted because of intimate knowledge and experience with the consequences of smoking. This course aims [...]
Nurses and other healthcare professionals have many opportunities to help people address their smoking habits. Website
This module will provide nurses and other health-care providers with the foundational knowledge to start engaging with their clients who use tobacco to help [...]
Discusses key concepts regarding tobacco use by youth and young adults, such as prevalence rates, motivations for tobacco use and cessation, and specific tobacco [...]
This graduate-level course is offered via webinar to students across Canada through the Graduate Department of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at [...]