Flavoured Tobacco2019-12-03T21:38:50+00:00

Resources Library – Hot Topic – Flavoured Tobacco & Smokeless Tobacco

Hot Topic – Flavoured Tobacco & Smokeless Tobacco

The tobacco industry is constantly finding new ways to attract people to use tobacco products. Up until 2016, flavoured tobacco products were available for purchase in New Brunswick and were particularly attractive to young people, as well as non-smokers, trying out tobacco for the first time. New Brunswick banned flavoured tobacco products, including menthol, in 2016, to help lower smoking initiation rates and, especially, protect its young people from the harmful effects of a lifelong addiction to nicotine.

Smokeless tobacco products like hookah, shisha, water pipes, dissolvable tobacco, snuff and snus are still, however, available on the market. A single puff from a water pipe (450 mL) is nearly equal to the volume of smoke inhaled from an entire cigarette (500 mL). (Source: Tobacco Atlas 2019: Waterpipes) Snuff and snus continue to be attractive to young people, as they often see their favourite sports celebrities chewing tobacco at sporting events.

Furthermore, new on the market and rising in popularity are vaping devices and vaping e-liquids and salts which contain very high concentrations of nicotine. Vaping products are not harmless and pose health risks. The rising vaping epidemic among youth and young adults in New Brunswick is cause for concern and one that the New Brunswick Anti-Tobacco Coalition (NBATC) is closely monitoring. We have many resources regarding public education on the risks of vaping as well as resources for youth, parents, and educators on our Hot Topics: Vaping page.

Flavoured Tobacco

Leading From Up North: How Canada Is Solving the Menthol Tobacco Problem – Public Health Law Centre – 2017

On May 31, 2015, the province of Nova Scotia, Canada, became the first jurisdiction in the world to prohibit the sale of menthol-flavored tobacco products. Six Canadian provinces — Alberta, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland & Labrador — soon followed suit by passing similar legislation, with the last of these prohibitions taking effect in July 2017. As of spring 2017, more than 80 percent of the Canadian population was covered under provincial flavor/menthol restrictions.

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Hookah, Shisha, Waterpipes

Issue: Waterpipes – The Tobacco Atlas – 2019

Waterpipe, hookah, or shisha all disguise their harmful tobacco smoke in myths of water filters and sweet candy flavors. Waterpipe smoke is, in fact, deadly. Incorporating bans on waterpipes into smoke-free policies will help dispel these myths.

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Smokeless Tobacco Products

See also our Hot Topic: Vaping page for a list of resources regarding vaping education and prevention.

Issues: Smokeless – The Tobacco Atlas – 2019

Smokeless tobacco, while less harmful than combusted tobacco, is not harmless, and must be part of tobacco control efforts. In many countries, smokeless products are produced and sold on the informal market, demanding creative regulatory solutions.

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