Resources Library – Smoke-Free Environments – Events
Smoke-Free Environments – Events
Ensuring that a no-smoking policy is respected during public events protects people, especially children, from exposure to dangerous second-hand smoke. It also role models and reinforces positive, healthy behaviours as well as helps to keep event sites clean and litter-free.
Since enclosed/indoor public places are already regulated under New Brunswick’s Smoke-Free Places Act to be smoke-free, it is quite easy to enforce a smoke-free policy during an indoor event. Most New Brunswickers know not to smoke in indoor public places. If anyone is seen smoking or vaping any type of substance, they should be immediately asked to stop or leave the premises.
When it comes to outdoor events; however, organizers sometimes hesitate or do not know where to start. There is a common misconception that second-hand smoke is not as dangerous in an outdoor setting. However, research shows that even in an outdoor setting, second-hand smoke can be hazardous. Depending on conditions such as wind speed and the number and proximity of smokers, non-smokers can be exposed to as much second-hand smoke as if they were indoors. (Source: Making My Outdoor Event Smoke-Free – NBATC – 2019)
Event organizers can show participants as well as their community how much they care about health and wellness by choosing to make their outdoor event smoke-free. Planning, organizing, and holding a smoke-free outdoor event, is, in fact, quite simple.
Add “smoke-free” to event print promotional materials and online descriptions on websites and social media. Make sure that there is smoke-free signage at the event location. In most cases, there will already be ‘No Smoking’ signs at the venue, if the event is held in one of New Brunswick’s designated smoke-free public outdoor spaces (Smoke-Free Spaces Act). Take a moment to mention and point out the sign at the beginning of the event.
If there is no signage already on the premises because the event is held in a space that is not designated as smoke-free by law, event organizers can still decide to make your outdoor space smoke-free and enforce this policy for the duration of their event.
More information, signs, as well as handy scripts for staff and volunteers on explaining the smoke-free nature of an event, are available in the Smoke and Vape Free NB’s (SVFNB) toolkit Making My Outdoor Event Smoke-Free. Contact us for help and support!
Legislation & Policies
See our Smoke-Free Environments page for more information on designated smoke-free indoor and outdoor spaces.
Reporting Smoking and Vaping Violations
See our Smoke-Free Environments page.
See our Smoke-Free Environments page for information on required signage as well as downloadable signs and templates.
Our Making My Outdoor Event Smoke-Free Guide also provides downloadable smoke-free event signs.
Dangers of Exposure to Second and Third-Hand Smoke
See our Smoke-Free Environments page for information on the importance of smoke-free environments and the dangers of second and third-hand smoke – in both indoor and outdoor settings.
Of particular interest:
Resources – Making Events Smoke-Free
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Coalition (HEPAC)
HEPAC is a coalition of government and non-government organizations that collaborate to foster positive change related to healthy eating and physical activity in New Brunswick.
Making My Outdoor Event Smoke-Free – A Guide for Event Planners, Organizers and Volunteers – Smoke and Vape Free NB – 2015 – updated in 2019
This guide is designed to help New Brunswick communities make their outdoor events smoke-free. Many tools are provided, such as downloadable signs and social media messaging that can be used to communicate the smoke-free nature of events.
Parks and Trails Day
Parks and Trails Day is celebrated every year throughout New Brunswick on the first weekend in June. This province-wide event is an opportunity to promote healthy, active living in your community while celebrating the many incredible outdoor spaces in our province.
The Wellness Movement
The Wellness Movement is a collective, ongoing effort in New Brunswick to inspire and support the creation of wellness-supporting environments, including tobacco-free and smoke-free homes, schools, workplaces and communities. Visit their website to join the Movement, find resources about a range of wellness topics, consult an events calendar of activities across the province and get inspired by New Brunswick success stories.
The Wellness Movement – Connect with Wellness in your Region
The Wellness Movement’s regional webpages make it easy to connect with your local Wellness Networks, and stay informed about wellness initiatives happening near you. You’ll find event calendars, resources, information, tools, photos, and inspiring stories, as well as a list of Regional Wellness Networks in your area.
The Wellness Movement – Events Calendar
Wellness is happening all across New Brunswick. Check what’s happening in your region and get involved. Is your group planning an activity? Promote your event by adding it to our Events Calendar!
The Wellness Movement – Tools for Partners
A number of tools were created to make it easy to align your messaging and promotional materials with those of The Wellness Movement. They are designed to be customized to fit your needs and have a professional look and feel, whether it be sharable visuals for social media, promotional tools to help promote your Wellness Week events, or kits to help you create or enhance various types of wellness-supporting environments.
The Wellness Movement – Wellness Week
Each year, Wellness Week (October 1st to 7th) provides an opportunity to recognize everyone’s efforts in promoting wellness and growing The Wellness Movement in New Brunswick. Plan an event to celebrate! This toolkit provides information, ideas and tools to help you get started, or enhance your existing planning efforts.
Funding & Grants
Funding and grants available for creating smoke-free events and policies in your community are listed on our Funding & Grants page.
Learning Opportunities – Smoke-Free Environments
Are you an event organizer, community leaders, health care professional or policymaker? Recommended resources to consult are listed on our Smoke-Free Environments page for you to learn more about:
- statistics on smoking rates and exposure to second-hand and third-hand smoke;
- public health information on the health risks of smoking and vaping; and
- aligning your efforts with those already underway nationally and provincially.