Building A Vape Free 2025: FOR PARENTS AND GUARDIANS

2025-01-15T18:17:40+00:00Tags: , , , , |

AN EYE-OPENING WEBINAR FOR PARENTS AND GUARDIANS This Lung Health Foundation webinar will boost your knowledge about vaping and its dangers while preparing you [...]

Save the Date: Invitation to Attend the 31st Annual Respiratory Health Symposium

2024-08-05T12:39:29+00:00Tags: , , , |

NB Lung invites health professionals interested in lung health and air quality to our 31st Annual Respiratory Health Symposium, aimed at increasing awareness and knowledge about respiratory [...]

‘Stay the hell away from our kids’: Health minister vows to restrict nicotine pouches — but how?

2024-03-22T14:05:30+00:00Tags: , , |

Mark Holland says he wants to immediately close loopholes for nicotine replacement products like Zonnic Canada's health minister says he'll seek extra authority to restrict the [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Call to the federal government to intervene on nicotine pouches

2024-02-09T05:11:36+00:00Tags: , , |

News Release While Quebec’s Order of Pharmacists and British Columbia have intervened to protect kids from easy access to nicotine pouches, the federal government [...]

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